
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

LOVE Challenge!

Today I was having a Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (Do you really want details? Didn't think so! But let me just leave you with - I had no conference - AGAIN! Let's see - yesterday 30 minutes, today nil and tomorrow 30 minutes - makes for a very tired teacher! Did I mention I have a class of very energetic, talkative students?) and then I read the sweetest comment from Heather's Heart. Wow! My Horrible day turned around and made me smile! :)

Here is my challenge to you!

Go find one of your favorite blogs and leave some love! Anything that might make the person smile! Who knows, you might turn a terrible day around and give a person a virtual hug! :)

:) Love and Virtual Hugs to you! :)

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Tag... You're it!

I've been Tagged!

Holly at Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade and Laura at Peace, Love and First Grade tagged me! As a kid, I loved playing tag! I loved running around, trying not to get caught! So much fun! So, I am super excited about this game of tag!

So here are the rules:

1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 12 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create 12 new questions for the people you tagged.
4. Tag 12 people and link them on your post.
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

Twelve Fun Facts:
1. I like red wine! (and some evenings I really need that glass to relax! My class is VERY energetic this year)
2. I love Italian food! (with my red wine!)
3. I love Asian food! (Pei Wei and PF Changs - Yum!)
4. I love salad - Spring Mix with tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, black olives and just a drizzle of EVOO and Balsamic Vinegar makes me happy! (Ok... I love food!)
5. I try to only drink water or decaf tea (I love hot decaf green tea! - Caffeine makes me jittery - Although, I love a cup of coffee on a cold morning!)
6. I went back to school to be a teacher when my little girl was 2, before that I did a hodge podge of jobs!
7. My husband wants to buy me a new Blackberry phone, but I want an Iphone - so this is a debate right now in my house!
8. I am a blog addict! My husband is helping me work through it (not willingly of course!), so if I am away from blogland for a few days, you will understand!
9. I have a Summer birthday, and always wished my birthday was during the school year so I could celebrate with all my friends at school.
10. I just realized I type with alot of Exclamation marks! (Okay, I need to work on that too!)
11. I love laying around in my PJ's on a rainy day and reading a good book!
12. My kids make me smile on a daily basis! I love being a Mom!

Holly's Tag Questions:

1. What is your favorite kind of candy? Sour Patch Kids
2.  What is something you are really uptight about? Nasty toilets!
3.  Is your car clean right this very minute? Inside, yes; Outside - no (it finally rained in Texas!)
4.  What's your "favorite" household chore? Cooking! (is that a chore?)
5.  Do you miss Oprah? No
6.  Do you play an instrument? I played the flute in Middle and High School
7. What's your favorite piece of technology? Computer (I wish I had an Ipad and a Smartboard)
8.  Do you have a social life? My kids are my social life!
9.  Are you a phone talker? I like to talk on the phone, but lately I just text
10. Do you text? Yes
11. What's your favorite piece of furniture in your house? My couch
12.  Does anything make you squeamish?  Roaches!

Laura's Tag Questions:
1. What was your favorite childhood toy? My doll, Beth
2. How old were you when you got your first cell phone? 20 something
3. Do you have a nickname? What is it? When I was a kid, it was Charlie (I had my hair cut real short like a boy, so my Paw Paw started calling me Charlie) - Now it's Mommy (but sometimes I am called "Teacher")
4. Diet or fully leaded drinks? Mostly water, but sometimes fully leaded Dr Pepper
5. What's your favorite way to exercise? I LOVE to walk!
6. Night owl or early riser? I collapse at night - so early riser (Between 5:00 and 5:15)
7. What's your favorite color combination? I love Brown and pink or blue or red
8. Cold weather or warm weather? Both! I love the cold, crisp Texas weather! But I love the warmth of the sun to hang out and play outside with the kids!
9. Have you given up your home phone to go just cellular? Not yet!
10. What's your favorite thing to do during the summer? Sleep late and Play with my kids!
11. What's the best book you have read lately/last? The Help and Heaven is for Real
12. How early is your Spring Break if you have one? March 12!

12 Questions from me: (Feel free to answer them if you haven't been tagged!)
1. What's your favorite color?
2. What is another job you have done besides teaching?
3. Are you married and do you have children?
4. What was your favorite place to visit?
5. What is your favorite website?
6. Would you rather have an Iphone or Blackberry?
7. What do you eat for lunch while you are at school?
8. What was your favorite present you ever received?
9. What item do you wish your classroom had?
10. What is your favorite movie of all time?
11. Would you rather sit on the beach or go to the mountains?
12. What is your favorite holiday?

I am tagging:

1. Kristin of A Teeny Tiny Teacher
2. Jennifer of Rowdy in First Grade
6. Pam of Can Do Kinders
7. Jennifer of First Grade Blue Skies
12. Hadar of Miss Kindergarten

Have a Blessed week everyone!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Whatcha Doin' Today? and some News!

I just love weekends! I get to spend time with my awesome kiddos, rest a little and catch up on my blogging addiction! :)

Today, I have a new addiction! I am joining some great presenters at the Everything's Kindergarten Expo

Finally! A place for just Kindergarten! (Don't you hate when you attend a workshop and it's K-12 or K-5 and they spend more time on the upper grades than on Kindergarten or First?)

Here are the awesome presenters:

And you get an awesome goodie bag!

And if you can't watch it today, you can watch it whenever you have time! I attended another Expo and have been going back and catching up lots of times! Love that!

Now, for some news....

I was given the Favorite Follower Award from Lil' Country Kindergarten! Wow! Really... Me? I love her blog! I am addicted! (Well, I have mentioned before that I am a blog addict, so if you are new, you can read about my addiction here) If you have visited Marlana, you are completely missing out! She is wonderfully sweet and creative! Love her!!!

Well, winners of this rockin' award pass it on to four of their favorite followers... the ones who are always sure to leave some love, and who make you feel really good about whatever it is you posted!

Wow! This is hard for me! I am very BLESSED to have so many wonderful followers that love on me! I guess my top ones would be....

Crisscross Applesauce

Heather's Heart

Lil' Country Kindergarten
**(yes, Marlana, I am giving it back to you for always being so supportive! Thank you!) :)
Lots of smiles today!! I Love Saturday!!
Okay, guess I really need to stop blogging.... Today is my Husband's birthday and he has begged me to stop for one day.... (Will I make it???)

Sweet Blessings for a Sweet Weekend to you!!! :)


Julia announced the winner on her blog this morning! In case you missed it:

Font from: Kevin & Amanda. Background from: Scrappin Doodles. Border from: KPM Doodles

Thursday, January 26, 2012


My students brought in their cute snowmen and wrote about them! They are so adorable --- I have to share a few of them! :)

Love his hat!    

 This snowman's buttons are pom poms!
Love this snowman's hair!      

 This snowman is all beads!

I love how they each used their imagination to make their snowman!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Are you ready for a Giveaway?!

Wow! My new friend Julia {also from Texas} has reached 100+ followers and has asked some fabulous bloggers to team up to join her HUGE giveaway and guess what..... She asked me to join in this giveaway!!!! (I was beyond excited! And of course, I couldn't say no!) But since I haven't gotten my act together yet and created a TpT store or TN store, I am giving away the next best thing.... a $10 Teachers Pay Teachers gift certificate! Want to join in the fun and enter this giveaway? All you have to do is head over to Julia's blog and you can enter! Want to know who else is joining in the fun and what you can win? Take a look.....

Alessia from Mrs Albanese's Kindergarten Class is giving away a wonderful Valentine's Day pack.

Jennifer from First Grade Blue Skies is giving away her oh-so-cute Seuss-tastic Literacy and Math Pack.

Erin from Creating and Teaching is giving away her phenomenal Lots of Love Valentine's Day pack.

Rebecca from Teaching First is giving away her awesome Valentine's Day pack.

Julia from Loving & Learning in Pre-K is giving away her super Valentine's Day pack.

And I am of course giving away a $10 gift certificate to TPT!

Make sure you follow all our blogs to enter!

This giveaway will end on January 27th at 9pm Central time. The lucky winner will be announced on Saturday.

To enter the giveaway head to Julia's blog and leave your comments (Please do not leave your comment entries on my blog... Sorry! but I can't count them!)

Good Luck and Thank you for being such sweet and Loyal followers! :)

{So why are you still here..... Head over and see Julia!}

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Blogger on the Block!

Have you visited this newest blogger? If not, you should! Just click on the picture above! (after you read my post, of course!)
She has the cutest freebies on her blog and, if you visit her TpT or TN store, you will see some incredible units!
Here is just one of her many units in her store:

I had the opportunity to use this center in my classroom and my kids love it! It has number recognition to 20, letter recognition, CVC words, and sight words! The Blast Off game is so much fun! We are doing Space in Science this 9 weeks and so this ties in perfectly!
I love her units! Go visit her and give her some new blogger love! :)


Friday, January 13, 2012

Be My Valentine 2012

Caitlin and Sarah had so much fun with the Holly Bloggy Christmas, they have put together the Be My Valentine Exchange 2012! You can participate with a gift exchange or a classroom exchange! I signed up for both! So much fun!!! You only have until January 22nd to sign up - so head over - you can click either button to join the fun! :)

Be My Valentine
Ms. Preppy

Monday, January 9, 2012


I thought I'd link up with Farley from Oh' Boy 4th Grade! and her Currently January linky party! So... What are you currently up to? Head over and link up with Farley! :)

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Snowmen {freebie} and an Award!

My class had so much fun with the turkey and Santa, that I decided to do a snowman. To help my class with their snowman and to give them ideas, I first read Snowballs by Lois Ehlert.

I then asked if they wanted to decorate a snowman at home and bring it to school. They squealed so loud I think my Principal heard it! (and I am at the end of a very very very very very long hallway!)

Here is the letter I sent home, along with the snowman (I had the students cut the snowman out and glue it to a piece of construction paper. Next I printed out the letter and stapled it to their snowman):

Snowman Letter to Parents

 You could use the snowman I attached, or you could give the students white construction paper and have them tear out circles and glue them on a piece of construction paper (I used blue construction paper). I was short on time yesterday when we did this activity, so I just used the template, but if I had more time it would be so much cuter and lots more fun for the kids to make their own "snowballs" and "snowman".

Speaking of snowmen, have you visited Playing with Pixie Dust? They have the cutest snowman freebie for you! I just love it!!! :)

Now, onto the Awards!  I was graciously given an award from some super sweet bloggers -  Holly from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade, Julia from Loving and Learning in Pre-K, and Michelle from Inspired by Kindergarten gave me this award:

I am so honored!

Here are the rules for accepting the award:1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they've received an award!

So, here are 7 things about me:

1. I LOVE to cook! Especially Italian food!

2. I am full blooded Italian (I am 3rd generation American - My great grandparents came to America)

3.  My husband and I have been married for going on 19 years and have been together for going on 22 years! (Yes, I am old! But when I say that to my 6-yr-old he tells me "Mommy, you aren't old, your pretty!" Gotta love the words of a 6-year-old!)

4.  I have lived in Texas all my life! (But I have family all over the US - so I get to visit some fun places!)

5.  I love College football! I have loved watching all these bowl games! Can't wait for the LSU vs Bama game! :)

6.  Maroon is my absolute favorite color! (Can you guess why????)  But I do LOVE Pink, Purple, Blue, and Red! (Although, I wear a LOT of black!)

7.  I am a blessed with some wonderful friends and family who support me and help me get through each and every day! Without them I would be completely crazy right now! (Well... If you ask my kids, I am already crazy! But aren't we all, just a little bit crazy?!!!)

Now, to pass this award on to some other bloggers!

Ok - I know I was supposed to give this to 15 blogs, but my daughter is begging me to take her shopping... So I am breaking the rules! Sorry! :(

Have a Happy Saturday! :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

January Book Picks

I am linking up with Mrs. Parker's January Book Picks!

I always read The Mitten by Alvin Tresselt and Yaroslava

and then we read The Mitten by Jan Brett

Then we compare and contrast the two books.  Next we make the retelling pieces and Mittens out of construction paper {the retelling pieces you can find here}.  We also write about which animal we would pick to be inside of our mitten. I also like to send home a little reader for the students to read with their parents. I have found a great one at Hubbards Cupboard. The reader is {here}.

Have you read The Mitten by by Alvin Tresselt and Yaroslava and then compared it to Jan Brett's? It is amazing the differences! It is fun to compare the two books and the students always love to tell me what was different!

Now, I am off to read! My daughter has been reading all of the Lemony Snicket books and I want to peek over her shoulder and see where she is at! :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Supportive Bloggers!

Little Miss Kindergarten
 Sweet Mrs. Coe of Little Miss Kindergarten is having a Linky Party about Supportive Bloggers.
This is my chance to say thank you to some wonderful bloggers who give me sweet comments and support! I have only blogged for 6 months, but I have received the sweetest comments!

I have several supportive bloggers....

Can Do Kinders
She was one of my first followers and always leaves me such sweet supportive words!

Crisscross Applesauce
She is so sweet and caring! Her newest giveaway is to donate to a charity! How cool and sweet is that!

She is so sweet and caring! If I have a question, she is so sweet about helping me find an answer!
I do have to give a shout out to several others:
Heather of Heather's Heart and  Jennifer of Rowdy in First Grade
Thanks to all my sweet followers for leaving me sweet comments and following me! I am so blessed to have some sweet supporters!