Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love Exchange!

I had so much fun with this Be My Valentine Exchange! Kelley from Buggy for Second Grade sent me the most adorable post-it note holder and pen set! LOVE IT!!!

It is so perfect for me! I am always walking around with my post-its and then trying to find where I left them! Now, they can stay put and I can just grab one and go! And gotta love the colorful pens! They make writing so much fun! :)

I had fun picking out a gift for Beth Ann from Taming My Flock of Firsties and I gave her this:

I had to send chocolate! Valentines Day and Chocolate just belong together! mmmmmm.......Yum! (Looking at the picture, I am now craving chocolate!)

I also had fun with the Class Exchange! We sent our cute Heart Men (if you missed that post, click here) and they sent us the cutest heart butterflies! (I forgot to take a picture of them! UGH! If I can get one of my little ones to bring one to school I will post a pic.)  Thank you Linda and Ms. Moffatt! My class loved learning about Mississippi! They want to write you another letter! Yay for Pen Pals! :)

Be My Valentine
Thanks to Caitlin and Sarah for putting together this wonderful exchange!
Head over to their new blog and follow them so you can link up the next time they put together one of these cute exchanges!

And speaking of Valentines.... My class made the cutest Valentine Friends from First Grade Blue Skies

I used scrapbook paper from the Target Dollar Spot for the bow and paper. Cutest craft! :) Do you love my border? My kids made it! We did patterns on sentence strips. Another fun Valentine activity! :)

I hope you had a wonderful Valentines! Now... What is next? Oh yes! President's Day and then Dr. Seuss' birthday and oh yes! Texas Independence Day is also March 2nd! What a busy (but fun!) time of year!


Unknown said...

Those turned out so stinkin' cute!!
Love them!!!
First Grade Blue Skies

Erica said...

I love your blog! It is awesome. I am a Texas gal too! Sprinkles to Texas!


Barbara L said...

Your Valentine pictures are very sweet. Jennifer always has such great ideas!

Grade ONEderful

Think, Wonder, and Teach said...

I love your valentine bulletin board. It looks like you haad a lot of fun!

Mrs Poland
Think, Wonder, & Teach

Busy Bees said...

Did the same Valentine project from First Grade Blue Skies...yours turned out adorable, too.

Mary said...

Always a pleasure to visit your blog! Love all the pics, they really make it come alive!

Heather's Heart said...

I love how your kiddos made the border! What a wonderful idea!

Thank you for the bloggy blessings you bring me! You are a sweetheart!

Heather's Heart

Marsha McGuire said...

Holy Cuteness!!! Those are darling!

Lori said...

Love that Valentine bulletin board! Turned out super cute!!
Conversations in Literacy

Jennifer @ Simply Kinder said...

I use scrapbook paper for everything! The kids think it is so fun to get to pick different patterns!

Empowering Little Learners!

Simply Centers

Michelle Griffo said...

Those are adorable! So much fun for February!

Apples and ABC's

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