
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Look what I made!

This summer I bought Mrs. Wills Overhead Station packet {check out her blog post here}.

{click on the picture to take you to her TpT store}

Well, in my tiny classroom, I don't have a lot of space to store a overhead projector, so.... I started thinking..... I love the little cart Deedee uses for her overhead (love the wheels - that would make it so easy to wheel it out of the way when it wasn't being used). So....I found an old baby bed in my school that no one wanted

My sweet husband cut off the legs and added wheels and my sweet daughter used duct tape and made it pretty!

I love that I can wheel it anywhere in the room! Right now I store it behind the bathroom door - but if that doesn't work out, I can easily just roll it to a new spot!
Now all I need to do is hang a dry erase board low enough for my kinders to use it (I think I may use 3M tape to hang it - in case I change my mind and want to move it)!

Leave me a note and let me know what you think! :)

I also linked up with 4th Grade Frolics - there are some cool crafts! Go check them out! :)


  1. So cute! I am using an old Saxon rolly cart. Mine hangs out in my pocket chart center.
    Mrs. Hoffer’s Spot

  2. That is fantastic-very crafty! I love how you can just roll it out of the way when you need to.
    Keen on Kindergarten

  3. This purple would go PERFECTLY in my classroom!!! I have a purple accent wall in each kindergarten room. At first I was not wild about it, but it has grown on me!

    I am so glad you are enjoying your overhead station!!!

  4. A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e!!!! Such a great idea! I need to yard sale and find myself one of those! Great job Cheryl! :)

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  9. So cute!! Good job taking something so ordinary and plain and making it adorable!

    Lauren C
