
Sunday, January 27, 2013


Last week we taught 2D and 3D shapes!  I love to teach shapes because they are everywhere!

To help teach them, I hunted for ideas.....

I first hunted for music - that is one of my favorite things to use when I teach {My class sings all day long! It's so cute!}

I love Harry Kindergarten!

And I love Have Fun Teaching!

But I wanted more ideas, so I went to some of my favorite bloggers and saw this post by Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives!

I love how she uses real pictures to help the students really connect! I showed my class the pictures and they had to tell me what it was and if it was a 2D or 3D object - they are so competitive! It was fun!

I also used a great poster from Kinder Craze.  Click{here} to check out her post and get her freebie!

I also used this book and poem from from Lil Country Kindergarten {click on the word book and poem to get your freebies from Marlana}

I haven't made them yet, but you can make a Shape Monster from Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten.

I also copied the shapes and made flashcards for each student and we played "Who can find the shape first?"  They had each shape in a baggie and the whole table that pulled out the shape flashcard first and held it up first won one goldfish snack cracker! {Of course I made sure they were all winners!} 

We will continue to work on shapes. This is just a little peek at a few things we have done so far!  Hope you have a great Monday!


  1. Thank you for sharing...we will be doing shapes soon!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  2. Shapes are so much fun to teach! I'm so glad your kiddos liked the Shapes in the Environment Pack! :)

    Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives

  3. I love the videos---my firsties love Harry Kindergarten and Have Fun Teaching. Thanks for sharing the links! :)

    First Grade and Fabulous
