
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Love Mrs. Wishy Washy!

I recently won a Mrs. Wishy Washy big book from Hameray Publishing Group!

Maggie's Kinder Corner  was giving it away and my name was chosen! I was sooo excited!

Well, it came in the mail this week and my class loves it! 

This is one of my sweeties
{her mom gave me permission to take her picture reading the book - don't you love her socks?} 

Want to win a Mrs. Wishy Washy book? I found a few blogs giving one away!

Kathleen from Growing Kinders is giving one away - but hurry - you only have until April 26th!

Michelle from Fabulous in First is giving one away - but it expires in 3 days!  Click here to enter

Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day!

April 22nd - Earth Day!  What a great day to get your class excited about taking care of our natural resources!  Even though this was officially our Science for the day, I tried to include it in some of our other areas today!

We talked about what was recycling and where we have to go to recycle in our town (we don't have curb side service - we have to take it to a container in town where a larger company comes and picks it up). We also talked about what you can recycle.

Then we talked about items that could be reused. I gave my class the challenge of reusing some items in their home to make crafts or projects. {I hope they bring some in to share with our class!}

We also discussed reducing the amount of water and electricity we use everyday {even in the classroom} - what we could do to help save our planet!

We also went to and clicked on their Earth Day picture (bottom right) and read the story and played the game on our SmartBoard. They loved it!

We then read this book, Dinosaurs to the Rescue! and talked about what we could do to help save our natural resources (like cutting off lights, turning off the water, and so on).

Next, we made this craft that I saw on The First Grade Parade! It was so cute, I knew I wanted to make it with my class! (and they did such a good job!)

What a fun day it was!  I hope you enjoyed your Earth Day! Did you have some fun activities planned? Leave me a note! I would love to hear what fabulous activities you had planned for today!

Friday, April 12, 2013

What We Have Been Up To {and a Freebie!}

We have had such a great week! Yes, my students have been super active {Spring Fever!} and I have been super busy with my own family, but overall it was a great week!

We worked on Past, Present and Future this week.  We picked stuff on the calendar that happened last week (and I had them point behind them), today (they pointed to the ground) and next week (and they would point straight ahead). They totally got it! I have such smarties!!

I had them draw themselves in the Past, Present and Future. They were so cute!

Here is a sample:

I love that she is "old"! :) So cute! I just love Kinders!

And here is a freebie for you!

I also received some sweet love this week {From such a sweetie!}

Don't you just love their sweet notes! It makes a bad day turn into such a great day! :)

Well, I am headed to my son's baseball game!
I hope you have a great weekend!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Freebie time!

I am sooo sorry I have been MIA lately!  My kids have been keeping me extra busy!  I am working on doing better in the future!  Has this Spring been just as busy for you?  I am sure it has! :)

I have some wonderful news!  Would you like some freebies? TBA (Teaching Blog Addict) has some freebies for you! 

If you teach Pre-K to 6th grade - they have the freebie you need!

If you love those freebies, I have another one for you
This one is from my I Can Read the Alphabet pack

If you download, will you leave me note? :)
And make sure you follow me!
I am working on a few Spring things! :)