
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I Love Mrs. Wishy Washy!

I recently won a Mrs. Wishy Washy big book from Hameray Publishing Group!

Maggie's Kinder Corner  was giving it away and my name was chosen! I was sooo excited!

Well, it came in the mail this week and my class loves it! 

This is one of my sweeties
{her mom gave me permission to take her picture reading the book - don't you love her socks?} 

Want to win a Mrs. Wishy Washy book? I found a few blogs giving one away!

Kathleen from Growing Kinders is giving one away - but hurry - you only have until April 26th!

Michelle from Fabulous in First is giving one away - but it expires in 3 days!  Click here to enter


  1. Yay - I won one last week, too, and now I'm really eager for mine to arrive!

  2. Thank you so much for the heads up! I want this book!

    Learning With Mrs. Leeby

  3. I'm glad you one. It looks like it is the perfect size to read to the class and to read individually. I’m having a giveaway please stop by
