To get ready for Halloween, my class made a skeleton out of toilet paper rolls and paper towel rolls. Now, before you go "oooo yuck!" at toilet paper rolls - let me tell you, I have been "hoarding" these since the summer in a large Ziploc and was very careful! It took us 26 toilet paper rolls and 10 paper towel rolls that my class painted white {with their hands - no paint brushes! I wish I had taken pictures - they had sooo much fun!} and we let dry over night and then I hot glued them to black bulletin board paper.
They had fun telling me the parts of the body and where all the pieces went {I let them hand me the pieces and then I hot glued them in place}. Now, just to find a place to hang it in my tiny 20 x 30 room!
Oh.... And have you noticed my new blog design? Do you love it?! I am a fan of Melonheadz and had to buy some of her cuties! The awesome ladies at Honey Bunch Blog Design designed my blog! All I can say is... .LOVE!