I love it! I love having my class make things to go with what they are learning. Glue is a great way to put it all together!
In Kindergarten, the beginning of the year is all about teaching rules, routines, and how-to's.... {You know, how to use the restroom as a group; how to wash your hands at the group sink; how to cut; how to hold your pencil correctly and write your name; and.... Well, if you teach kindergarten, you know the long list}
Every year, at the first of school, I teach my new Kindergartners how to use a glue bottle.
Last year I used Mrs. Miner's glue tips {you can find her free Top Secret Gluing Techniques and her License to Glue at her TpT store} and they worked brilliantly!
And I started the year singing her song or telling my class "A little dab will do ya!" It worked so perfectly! But, next thing I knew, I had one of my sweeties coming to school and telling me her mom says "Dot, Dot, Not a Lot" - so for the rest of the school year I would tell my sweeties "Dot, Dot, Not a Lot". They loved it and it worked great!
But, this year, I wanted some more tips to help me teach my new little Kindergartners glue techniques. I began searching blogs.
Shuna, of Pocket Full of Kinders, recently had some great tips!!! {and she has some great freebies to help practice with your kiddos!} I loved all her tips! And I really love her tip about the glue sponges!
I also found some cute tips and freebies from Little Miss Kindergarten {visit her here and here and here} and Kindergarten Smiles {see her cute pics here and here}
I am so excited by all these tips! My Kinders did awesome last year and I know my class this year are going to be experts! I can't wait to use all these adorable tips and freebies!
I like to always start a lesson in my classroom with a book. It's the best way to get my class focused in on what they are about to learn. I was beyond excited when I found out about Too Much Glue!
What a great way to introduce my class about using glue with this adorable story!
The story is about a little boy named Matty who loves glue! His Dad and Mom make all kinds of things with him at home with glue! So, when he goes to school, he can't wait to use the white stuff to make his newest creation in art class! Matty gets himself in a super sticky situation, even though his teacher warned him. You will love how the book ends!
This book is so much fun! I know my kinders will adore it!
Flashlight Press was so sweet to give me one of these adorable books to send to one of my lucky followers!
Would you like to win a copy of Too Much Glue?
Just leave me a comment with a great glue tip or back to school tip and your email! I will pick a random comment to win on Wednesday, July 31st!
{Note: I am mailing this book to you, so I have to limit the contest to U.S. addresses only, sorry!}

Would love to win the book! My favorite glue tip is using the marker ink to make colored glue. Take apart some old markers, stick the ink part inside a bottle of glue and you will have some colored glue!
I love all the suggestions and blogs/pages that you have shared with "glue" suggestions. I, too, am anxious to try the glue sponges as the new year gets started, especially at my art table, where I sometimes have a group that needs to be slightly independent or work with a parent volunteer. I have always used the "A ladybug dot, that's not a lot!" poem. It's always good for me as the teacher to "mix it up" a little, so I'm grateful for the new poems.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I would love to win this book. Always love to add new books to the first days of school routines/learning!
This books looks so cute. We use glue sticks instead of glue bottles; which comes with its own problems as well. I also try to model where to glue and how to twist the glue just enough but not too much so that it can be capped back.
My favorite tip is kind of like yours except it's "Just a dot, not a lot". Also, using glue brings back memories of my kinder teacher saying that she didn't want us to be glue globbers so we couldn't use too much. So silly!
Teaching in the Valley
I also read that post and gathered some great ideas, including the title of this book! I'd love to win! The best BTS tip is not an original one: take time to practice procedures for EVERYTHING. It's taken me several years to really slow down and put in the time to practice from the beginning. It pays off in the end:-)
What a cute book! Would love to add it to my collection. At the beginning of the year I model, and the kids copy, the HOWS of using glue. Lots of kids have never been shown this, so we do it over and over again.....
This book sounds WONDERFUL! I bought the small bottles of glue for my Kinders. We do practice one dot, not a lot, but the little bottles don't hold that much glue. If they squeeze too hard, there's not much glue in there. The big downside is refilling the bottles often.
The book looks adorable! I love the comments and suggestions for glue as well. I prefer to use glue sticks because they are less messy, but they are also more expensive. I tell my firsties they are gluing paper, not building a bridge. They laugh at the silliness but it helps them see that a little is all they need.
This will be my first year teaching so I don't have a ton of glue tips BUT if you save the empty glue bottles (and let's face it, you'll have plenty of empties since they practically eat the stuff) you can refill the bottles with paint and create another cute, less-mess art project for your class!
Growing up instead of saying "A Dot Dot, Not a lot." We would say "A dot is a lot, a glob is a slob." My students now LOVE that saying, and especially right away because their is always a couple of Glob Police. It is cute when they are like "Ms. Newbold!! He is being a Slob!! Make him stop!" :)
Kicking it in First
I have had students use q tips to help spread liquid glue.
Too Much Glue looks like to much fun! I tried to put it in my cart and apparently it doesn't come out till September. I would love to win one so I can use it during the first week of school. We start back on August 21st. I always tell my kiddo's ladybugs not cockroaches. We still have sticky pages, hands, and desks. Maybe this book would alleviate that :-) danella@cox.net
I don't have any new ideas. I spend A LOT of time on rules and procedures of how to do things and practice, practice, practice! We use a lot of glue sticks also, which comes with a different set of...obstacles! lol But isn't it amazing to see how much they grow during the school year? I would love to win the book--can't have too many books!
Meet me at the zoo…
I'm thrilled that there's a book to read aloud to go with all those great TPT gluing lessons! Can't wait to get my hands on it!
My tip for gluing is to show them how to open the orange cap all the way and then turn it back halfway. If they have to use their hand muscles to get the glue to come out, they have it right. If it flows out too easily, they need to adjust the cap. I have first grade so some are able to do this but every year, there are a few glue globbers. It's unavoidable!
I teach 2nd grade so you would think they would understand not to put so much glue on a little piece of paper but that is not the case! I used to use glue sticks but they are even worse. This book would be perfect. My tip that I tell my kids is that a dot goes a long way. I may have to incorporate the cute little saying this year though.
In my class we usually use glue sticks. They do also have their problems. My kids are always losing their caps. So a couple of years ago we made a glue cap bucket. If a student can't find the cap to their glue they just get one from the bucket. When we find extra caps on the floor or inside desks, or on dried up glues, they go in the bucket. Now we have plenty of extra caps that can also be used as counters in our math stations!
Camp Kindergarten
I created a link to this post! Great ideas! Hope that is ok!
I would love to win this book for my 4 year old class. I use a song from Heidi Songs about glue. One of my favorite back to school tricks is to help teach right and left. I put a little dab of scented chap stick on the child's right hand when I greet them. We then say during pledge of allegiance to put your sweet smelling right hand over your heart. After a short while it becomes automatic even if I don't use the chap stick.
What a cute book! A great glue tip is to not allow the kids to twist up the glue stick to the maximum amount. Too often the tip falls off! Also, the kids should dot their glue rather than color in the whole space! This wastes a lot of glue!
This book looks wonderful and would be perfect as an introduction to gluing! My BTS advice is be flexible.
Heather (heathernnance@yahoo.com)
One fine teacher has offered up a huge strawberry to "dot" glue on.
I'm going to have my kids do this... then let them glitter it with white glitter. I think the book sounds terrific and I'd love to use it when I demo how to use glue!
This book looks wonderful!! Most of my students have never even used glue when entering my kindergarten classroom, so we spend some time just learning how to open and close the glue before I teach them how to use it. Then I have a song that I teach. The tune is "Farmer and the Dell"
" A dot of glue will do, a dot of glue will do. When you don't know how much to use, a dot of glue will do"
Thanks for all the tips and links to tips. I have to try the glue sponges!!
I would love to win a copy of the book! One year I had an Autistic student who went into sensory overload if he got something on his hands, including white glue. I decided to take an old water color paintbrush and let him dip it in white glue. He would then pain the back of whatever needed to be glued. It worked so well I have been using old brushes ever since for white glue.
Oh my gosh...this book looks like it would be a wonderful addition to my beginning of the school year lesson plans! I don't use white glue a lot, because I am scared of the mess (lol)...so it's glue sticks for me, which they go through like water. When they do use glue sticks we count as we hold it together...1,2,3,4,5...5,4,3,2,1, now we're done.
Thanks for the chance to win this adorable book! I can't wait to check out the rest of your links in your post!
What a great book. I model to the students and then we do several A dot of glue will do activities. I use glue bottles and glue sticks and I show children what happens when the leave their glue stick cap off and markers. After long break I revisit A dot of glue will do activities.
When the bottle run low, I add a few drops of paint and more glue. They are quite colorful little dots the next time they use them. I would also love the book.
This book looks great! I use glue sticks mostly, but when I use the liquid glue I usually put it in the cap from a pop bottle and have my kinders use their fingers to dab it on the paper. They think it's pretty neat when it dries and you can just peel it off your finger, but it also washes off easily and limits the amount used. When the caps get too used up we recycle them into our projects or toss them in the recycle bin.
I have a discovery basket with tools being used in the lesson and model/practice how to use them,
Ahhh...glue! That is the ONE thing that MUST be taught to kindergarteners and BOY did I make that mistake my first year teaching!
For glue sticks- I model what happens when you press too hard, roll it up too far, make it 'bump' the paper, etc. I use up about 5 glue sticks for the demo, but I get them back three fold as the year goes on because I am not throwing tons away as my little ones 'learn by doing' the don'ts of glue!
For glue bottles- I purchased the glue dabber tops from Discount School Supply- I LOVE THEM! And bc they 'dot' the glue on, the song 'A dot, a dot, a dot of glue will do' goes PERFECTLY! They are about 25 cents a piece but there are no more glue gobbers in my room!
I'd love to win the book bc I too love to read a book before a lesson! My email is jennrussell1@msn.com
Thanks so much!
Happy Glue To You!
Jenn Drake
follow this link to the cool glue bottle caps I use! The kiddos press down the tip and just one dot of glue comes out! I really like like, but they do clog easily.
This book sounds perfect for the first week of K! My Asst. Principal wonders why the K kiddos need to learn how to cut and glue. This will help her, too!
Would love this book! I use the little ditty..just a dot...not a lot with my kiddos. Works for some. I'd like to try the glue sponge idea I have heard online.
Colleen Gregory
I don't have a "great" tip; just making sure you demonstrate and let them practice. I love Deanna Jump's practice sheet (I used it last year, too!). As with everything in Kindergarten, you have to model, model, model, and expect accidents! The book is on my Amazon wish list :) thanks
I use a highlighter to help them glue.
I would LOVE to win this book. My glue tip is to use plastic lids (baby food or pringles lids. Kids use their fingers in the glue. It might sound crazy and messy but they actually do really well with it :)
What a fun book! Since I have already started the new year with a fresh batch of kindergartners, (we started on July 26th!) this would be the perfect book to add. My glue tip is to use the Tap 'N' Glue tops. They REALLY cut down on the puddles!
During a busy gluing December of glitter and holiday crafts, I put glue in small glad containers and buy cheap small paint brushes. It is a pain to clean the brushes, but it relieves some holiday gluing stress:) Thanks for giving this adorable book away! Fingers crossed that I win!!
A Place Called Kindergarten
This book looks too cute! I use the really small glue bottles with my students as they seem to fit their hands better and they are able to control how much they use. The little bottles are a bit hard to find...I just keep refilling them. I've also seen the glue sponges on Pinterest that look interesting but seem to take up a lot of room.
A is for Apple B is for Blog
This book looks so cute! I prefer glue sticks but they may use glue. I always say "Just a dot, not a lot!" I also show them what a dot is. I think they believe it is the size of a quarter!
Such a cute book, would love to win it. We use glue sticks; but I purchase bottled glue for those projects that really need more staying power. For younger students, some of them have never used anything in school besides glue sticks, so when the bottle comes out, they're so shocked it cute- They're very careful not to squeeze too hard- we say "A dab, dab, here, and a dab, dab, there." Thanks for all your great ideas!
I always say, "A dab will do ya." We're gluing paper, not wood!
You have no idea how badly I want to win this!!! I am so crossing my fingers and toes right now!! I love practicing 'just a little dot' of glue with my kids! Then sprinkling some glitter on it when they are done! They love it!
Kindergarten Smiles
Would love to win the book! How cute! We RARELY use glue because of how messy it can be. However, with recent cuts in our glue stick budget I know I will be using lots more this year. For those projects we do use glue for, I put the glue in little cups with lids (from the dollar store) and give my kids qtips to dip the glue.
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