To help teach them, I hunted for ideas.....
I first hunted for music - that is one of my favorite things to use when I teach {My class sings all day long! It's so cute!}
I love Harry Kindergarten!
And I love Have Fun Teaching!
But I wanted more ideas, so I went to some of my favorite bloggers and saw this post by Mrs. Lirette's Learning Detectives!
I love how she uses real pictures to help the students really connect! I showed my class the pictures and they had to tell me what it was and if it was a 2D or 3D object - they are so competitive! It was fun!
I also used a great poster from Kinder Craze. Click{here} to check out her post and get her freebie!
I also used this book and poem from from Lil Country Kindergarten {click on the word book and poem to get your freebies from Marlana}
I haven't made them yet, but you can make a Shape Monster from Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten.
I also copied the shapes and made flashcards for each student and we played "Who can find the shape first?" They had each shape in a baggie and the whole table that pulled out the shape flashcard first and held it up first won one goldfish snack cracker! {Of course I made sure they were all winners!}
We will continue to work on shapes. This is just a little peek at a few things we have done so far! Hope you have a great Monday!