I am so sorry I have been away for soooo long!
My school year has been soooo crazy!
I promise to better at blogging this Summer!
I am linking up with Farley for her July Currently!
Listening: to my family watch television. They can not make up their mind what they want to watch! It is driving me nuts! For a few minutes it is the Star Trek movie (the 2009 one with Chris Pine.,,,need I say more!) and then they change it to sports... then they change it back! (I think my kids have been home too long!)
Loving: I have been reading Magic Tree House books with my son and Lois Lowry books with my daughter! So much fun! We are having our own little book club! I am loving it!!!
Thinking: I sooo need a pedicure! I may have to give myself one tomorrow!
Wanting: a cleaning fairy! My house needs a deep dusting! And dust and I do not get along! I am about to resort to mean mommy tactics to get it done!
Needing: to organize my closets. I have been dreading this! It is my goal to get it done when I get home from VEGAS!
4th Plans: I don't have any yet! We are staying low key this year because of VEGAS!
I am soooo excited about going to Vegas!! Are you going?
What the Teacher Wants has a great post about the Meet Up! It is going to be so much fun!!!