Hi friends!! :) Thank you for participating in our little blog hop!! :) You've landed at Stop 11 and I can't wait to share my most wishlisted product with you! :)
My most wishlisted item is my I Can Read the Alphabet pack! You can click the picture to check it out on TPT! :)
You can grab 3 of the pages for free by clicking here!!
Now...let's keep going! :) Hop on over and visit my friend Natalie over at Teachery Tidbits!

Organize :)
Establish a routine which will help your students!
Always overplan for the first few days!
Plan and organize as much as you can before the kids start!
this is a yearly tip but I find that playing soft music in the morning when they come in sets a nice tone for the day :-)
This is such a great pack! Visually tidy but still appealing. I love the playdough letters. Mine are looking a bit "used" and these will be perfect.
Make sure to set aside time for yourself. We get so wrapped up in our classroom set up and getting work ready there isn't much time for anything else.
Just keep breathing!!
Establishing routines from the get-go!
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