Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner And A Sale!

Are you in school yet?

We started our in-service week on Monday and I have been swamped!  Our first day is going to come sooo quick!  I have so much to do!  

Are you ready?  Well, tomorrow I plan to shop a little to help me with my planning!!! 


Don't forget to use the promo code BOOST when you check out!!

 Did you hop this past weekend?  Are you ready to see who won?

Congrats Stephanie! I will be emailing you!

And, I loved all your tips!!! Thanks for sharing them! :)

Well... I need to go to bed! I have to get up early! Summer went way too fast!

 Happy Back to School!
Happy Shopping!!!


Unknown said...

The hustle and bustle of the busy schoolyear can already be felt and it can really be so exhausting! Teachers can really use a treat from time to time. Thanks for sharing!

A Modern Teacher said...

Hey girl! I hadn't heard from you in awhile. I hope you are doing ok. I miss you!! ~April

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