This was me after school on Friday! Whew! I was exhausted! My Kinders were awesome this week! So sweet! So happy! So excited about school! It made for an excellent week! I was one happy, (but extremely tired), teacher. My husband says I am out of game shape! It's time for my two-a-days to get me back in game shape! I know in 9 weeks, I will be back to my normal self! Until then, it's lots of coffee for me!
We learned lots of new procedures in my classroom! I began teaching Whole Brain Teaching with my Kinders! They are loving it! I am loving it! They can't wait to learn more! Another reason I love teaching Kindergarten! They are sponges absorbing everything they hear and loving everything! On Friday, we decided to have some more fun! I taught them how to use the glue bottle!
We first read Too Much Glue. My Kinders were so excited about every page! It is the cutest story! Next, we used a glue page from Primary Press beginning of school - Let's Get It Started pack!
After they colored the cute apple, they put glue dots and then I help them glitter. They loved it! {Sorry I forgot to take a picture of the final product! They really turned out cute!} If you need more help teaching your class to glue, I have a blog post you can read {here}. If you have already started teaching, I hope this next week is an awesome week for you! If you haven't started teaching yet, I hope you get rested up for your first week back! Happy Teaching!!!
Hi all! I am so sorry for leaving the blogging world for a few (very long) months! I really hope you can forgive my absence!!!
I have to apologize for my lack of blogging this school year. I have had some personal issues and have had to step back from the blogging world to get my life back on track.
My class was high energy and needed some extra attention this past school year. My own two beautiful kiddos really needed me this past school year. (They both have been more involved this year). My husband (who is also high energy and high maintenance - wink wink! - but boy do I love him!) has also begged for extra attention this year. My Mom passed away a few years back and my Dad has needed some extra attention this year. I have needed to get my spiritual life for me and my family back on track and going on the right path.
I have really been pulled in a million directions this year!
So, needless to say, I really needed to step back and get my personal life in order. I appreciate all the emails I have received asking about me! I really have missed blogging and all the friends I have made!
When I began blogging this was my way to connect and help others. I really do love to help others and, I was hoping, by blogging, I could do that. I am hoping to help share ideas through my blog posts again soon!
Thank you for staying with me!!! I have been super busy, and have tried to connect on Facebook and Instagram with the happenings in my classroom! If you aren't connected with me yet, you can catch up with me on those two social media sites. I also try to Twitter, but am not super successful at that yet. And I am brand new to Periscope, (I have been too nervous to do that yet!)
Thank you again for understanding and your patience!