When my package arrived (and it was quick!), I immediately
Here is the cute binding machine! Let me tell you, it is so light weight! I love that little ol' me can lift it and carry it around and doesn't feel like I am lifting weights! At my school, we use to have a binding machine and it was so heavy! Carrying it to my classroom when I wanted to borrow it was such a chore! I love that I could move this one all over my house with ease!
(Ok - the instructions do say that it is 6 lbs., but after lifting my 55 lb. son, I think 6 lbs. is light!)
I decided to bind some of my little boy's kindergarten work. I usually file it, but thought it would be fun to bind it! I decided to use the clear covers they sent me as the cover page.
First, I had to tap the pages to make sure they were lined up.
Then I placed them in the machine (punching channel) and pressed the arm down so I could punch the holes.
Super Easy!
Then I put the binding comb into the metal fingers and pressed the handle down to open the comb to insert the papers. Next, I put the papers into the comb and lifted the handle.
Now his Kindergarten papers are all organized and put together in one little book! Gotta love that!
Thank you MyBinding.com for allowing me to review this wonderful machine. I truly am in love!
My class will thank you this year when I get to bind all their cute projects! Can't wait!!! :)

So fun! I want one! :)
A Cupcake for the Teacher
Wow - that is great! No one at my school knows how to use our binding machine and it is so ancient it probably wouldn't work even if we did - it just sits and collects dust while we go to Staples to get our class-made books bound :( I'd love to have a working binding machine!
Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten
Oh man Cheryl. What I could do to help differentiate my instruction if I had one of these binding machines. The possiblities are endless. Can't wait to see what else you'll do with this.
A Differentiated Kindergarten
I want one of these!! How nice would this be to use for all of your class books! Love it!!
Kindergarten Smiles
I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want one of these Cheryl!! I would to bind my little girls' stuff too! Just voted for you at Circle of Moms!! You are doing great...so deserving:)
Binding class books gets the students SO excited about writing!! How exciting to have this at your disposal!! I wish our school had a binding machine!! ENJOY IT!
I think I really would like to have one of these!!!!!
Lucky Dog!!!! Ann Marie Smith
Innovative Connections
Awesome, you are so lucky! I am constantly making books at school...lugging all my supplies to the workroom and back. You are a lucky little ducky!!
:) Nancy
Joy of Kindergarten
I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have a binding machine in my room!
It looks so easy to use and FAST!
My school doesn't even have a binding machine :(
I'd love to try one of these out!!!
Sweet Times in First
Every day we get papers: bank statement, phone bills, internet bills, insurance updates,… To stay out of the water with your pile of papers, think about binding them. Binding Consumables are available everywhere to ease your life
Binding Consumables
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