I then asked if they wanted to decorate a snowman at home and bring it to school. They squealed so loud I think my Principal heard it! (and I am at the end of a very very very very very long hallway!)
Here is the letter I sent home, along with the snowman (I had the students cut the snowman out and glue it to a piece of construction paper. Next I printed out the letter and stapled it to their snowman):
Snowman Letter to Parents
You could use the snowman I attached, or you could give the students white construction paper and have them tear out circles and glue them on a piece of construction paper (I used blue construction paper). I was short on time yesterday when we did this activity, so I just used the template, but if I had more time it would be so much cuter and lots more fun for the kids to make their own "snowballs" and "snowman".
Here is the letter I sent home, along with the snowman (I had the students cut the snowman out and glue it to a piece of construction paper. Next I printed out the letter and stapled it to their snowman):
Snowman Letter to Parents
You could use the snowman I attached, or you could give the students white construction paper and have them tear out circles and glue them on a piece of construction paper (I used blue construction paper). I was short on time yesterday when we did this activity, so I just used the template, but if I had more time it would be so much cuter and lots more fun for the kids to make their own "snowballs" and "snowman".
Speaking of snowmen, have you visited Playing with Pixie Dust? They have the cutest snowman freebie for you! I just love it!!! :)
Now, onto the Awards! I was graciously given an award from some super sweet bloggers - Holly from Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade, Julia from Loving and Learning in Pre-K, and Michelle from Inspired by Kindergarten gave me this award:
I am so honored!
Here are the rules for accepting the award:1. Thank the person that nominated you with a link back to them.
2. Tell 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know that they've received an award!
So, here are 7 things about me:
1. I LOVE to cook! Especially Italian food!
2. I am full blooded Italian (I am 3rd generation American - My great grandparents came to America)
3. My husband and I have been married for going on 19 years and have been together for going on 22 years! (Yes, I am old! But when I say that to my 6-yr-old he tells me "Mommy, you aren't old, your pretty!" Gotta love the words of a 6-year-old!)
4. I have lived in Texas all my life! (But I have family all over the US - so I get to visit some fun places!)
5. I love College football! I have loved watching all these bowl games! Can't wait for the LSU vs Bama game! :)
6. Maroon is my absolute favorite color! (Can you guess why????) But I do LOVE Pink, Purple, Blue, and Red! (Although, I wear a LOT of black!)
7. I am a blessed with some wonderful friends and family who support me and help me get through each and every day! Without them I would be completely crazy right now! (Well... If you ask my kids, I am already crazy! But aren't we all, just a little bit crazy?!!!)
Now, to pass this award on to some other bloggers!
Ok - I know I was supposed to give this to 15 blogs, but my daughter is begging me to take her shopping... So I am breaking the rules! Sorry! :(
Have a Happy Saturday! :)

Yeahhhhh love snowmen! I am definitely using this! Thank you so much!
Congratulations on the award!
I love that book and all the pictures at the end that show lots of different snow'people/things' using lots of fun different objects.
You deserve that award!!!!
Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade
Pleeeease visit my blog! I too have given you an award =).
I always wish that I was Italian - I love the food and absolutely fell in love with Rome, Venice, Florence, and Milan when I visited.
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Thank you so much :) Guess who has a new signature now?!?! Meee! You rock!
Eberhart’s Explorers
Thanks for sharing this great freebie :) I'm a 3rd generation Italian too, my great grandma came over in 1912 :) I LOVE my big Italian family and bet you do too, they are always cracking me up!
Lisa :)
Made in the Shade in Second Grade
Thanks Cheryl for the award- and love the snowman take home project. I did something like it when I taught third grade.
Thanks so much for the award and the shout out! You are too sweet! :)
Love your Snowman homework - great minds think alike! Thank you for stopping by my blog! Love your blog! Love new bloggy friends!
Cheryl, this snowman idea is SO cool! I'm your latest follower. I'm having a contest to give away a whole package from TPT for 100th Day. Come and check it out. I also have some great songs listed for snowmen on my blog.
Sharon Dudley, NBCT
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